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About the Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Last updated: 1 September 2019

Welcome to Loddon Primary School Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


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The PTA support the school and children. The money raised is used to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children. As well as fundraising, the PTA exists to strengthen the relationship between the parents and the school and bring those communities together.


You are the PTA!

All parents, carers and guardians of children at Loddon Primary School, along with teaching staff, are automatically members of the PTA.


Where is the PTA money spent?

The money raised is used to enhance learning and experiences for the children. The PTA aims to fund things that the local authority funding perhaps can’t stretch to cover.

  • Resources e.g. FSU Library
  • Play e.g. Pirate Ship climbing equipment
  • Experiences e.g. Living eggs chicks in FSU, reindeers visit at Xmas
  • Learning e.g. Sponsoring the Y4 Christmas market activity
  • Promoting school values e.g. Values bench in the playground, providing prizes for the Values ambassadors Easter Egg competition

How is money raised each year?

Loddon PTA aim to raise around £15,000 pa.

This is done in variety of ways. Our biggest events of the year are the Summer fair and termly discos. We also fund raise through purchases (e.g. personalised Christmas cards, pantomime tickets, cashback schemes (more details here) and we run raffles and family events e.g. table top sales, picnics, Xmas orchestra performance. Cake is often involved!