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Working together to realise the potential in everyone

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Our curriculum aims/intends to: 

  • Enable pupils to develop knowledge, understand concepts and acquire skills in the three main areas of computing (computer science, digital literacy and information technology), and be able to choose and apply these in relevant situations using a range of devices including laptops, PCs, iPad and a variety of programable devices. 
  • Promote the moral, mental and physical development of our pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life through a comprehensive e-safety curriculum which will guide them to use the technology around them safely and responsibly. 
  • Promote a positive attitude towards learning with the skills to become autonomous users and gain confidence and enjoyment as digital citizens. 
  • Ensure equal access to learning for all pupils, with high expectations for every pupil and appropriate levels of challenge and support. This includes homework club and computing clubs for those who do not have devices available at home or want to further their skills outside of lessons. SEND laptops and iPads are available across the whole school to children who need to use technology to access the wider curriculum. 
  • Equip pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
  • Allow pupils to feel confident to make links between the knowledge they are acquiring and specific computing skills to develop their understanding through a computing curriculum designed to progress children through building on their knowledge and skills from term to term and year to year.

 The curriculum has been designed through drawing on a number of computing schemes including: Purple Mash, Twinkl, Barefoot and South West Grid for Learning.

Additional support is afforded to pupils’ social and cultural development through an embedded digital leader program, in KS2, which includes opportunities to attend technology-based trips. Children across the school also have the option to attend extra-curricular computing clubs. 

 Digital Parenting Magazine Issue 5.pdfDownload
 online safety guide for parents.pdfDownload
 Whole School Computing Skills Overview 24-25.pdfDownload
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