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Home Learning

We define Home Learning as anything that children do outside the normal school day that contributes to their learning either in response to guidance from the school (homework) or through a child’s own interests and efforts.


While set homework can make a positive contribution to raising a child’s level of attainment we also acknowledge the important role of play and free time in a child’s growth and development. Formal homework set by school is important, but it should not prevent children from full participation in family life, nor from involvement in the wide range of out-of-school clubs and organisations that play an important part in the lives and learning of many children.

Our school policy aims to strike a balance between the importance of school setting some formal homework and the preservation of sufficient family time, during the school week, for parents/carers to create their own learning opportunities and social experiences on behalf of their children.

We especially ask that parents/carers  share books and reading with their children regularly, ideally daily, also to practise skills such as phonics, number bonds and times tables often as these key skills are only learnt fully by children through lots of practise both at home and at school.

Loddon Primary school also offers families a range of online resources which can be accessed for home learning and to practice specific skills. Further information is available here: Additional Home learning resources information

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